Functions and use
The North Sea is a rich natural source of economic activity and other forms of human use. However, not everything is possible everywhere, because nature must be protected and space in the North Sea is limited.
Offshore wind energy

The Netherlands is working towards sustainable and affordable power that is available to everyone. The transition to energy from renewable sources is of great importance to our contribution, at national level, to the targets set out in the Paris Climate Agreement.
Water quality

For almost all functions on the North Sea, it is important that the water is clean and healthy. First and foremost, this applies to nature and the ecosystem. Water quality is also regarded as a function of the North Sea
Litter on the North Sea

Litter on the North Sea is a growing problem. In addition to communication, awareness and clean-up actions, the emphasis is on prevention by dealing with the source and closing the loop.
Nature and biodiversity

The North Sea is home to a wide range of organisms; this divergence is partly the result of differences in water depth, nutrient intensity, salt content, current and seabed composition..

Shipping in the North Sea is vital for our country. Dutch seaports are hubs in international transport chains. The shipping and port industry and services are among the main pillars of our economy.

Part of the Dutch airspace is located above the North Sea. Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) is an important link within Dutch airspace. They ensure safe, efficient and environmentally conscious handling of air traffic in the airspace 24/7.

The Government’s Climate Agenda describes the policy for combatting climate change. This can be achieved by capturing CO2 at the source and transporting it to storage locations located deep underground, also called Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).

The fishery policy for the North Sea is European policy. It is called the Common Fisheries Policy. European fishery regulations are aimed at preventing overfishing and at generating sustainable fish stocks.
Surface mineral extraction

On the North Sea, organisations with a permit can extract sand and gravel seawards from the ongoing Amsterdam Ordnance Datum (NAP) -20 metre isobath.
Dredging spoil

To maintain the depth of the navigation channels at sea, the sea bed must be dredged regularly. The Soil Quality Decree regulates what must be done with the released dredging spoil.
Cables and pipelines

On the Dutch Continental Shelf alone, there are approximately 4,500 kilometres of pipelines and 6,000 kilometres of cables. More than half of the cables are no longer in use.
Recreation and Tourism

The long and wide beaches and the surrounding dunes lure domestic and foreign tourists to the North Sea coast. Bathers, surfers, kite surfers, hang gliders, fishermen, sailors and power boaters, they all like spending their free time on and around the water.
Military use

More than 7% of the Dutch part of the North Sea is available for military purposes. This includes artillery exercises, flight exercises and exercises in mine disposal.
Incident control

The Coastguard Director is in charge of Disaster and Emergency Response. Operational deployment is coordinated from the response and information centre.
Land/Sea interaction

Offshore designated uses cannot be separated from (related) designated uses on land. The interaction between use of the sea and use on land plays a role in spatial planning, in natural systems, in a social/cultural respect and also in terms of social and administrative involvement
Underwater cultural heritage

The North Sea is home to a valuable archaeological heritage. Through the centuries, countless ships have sunk here. The wrecks of those ships are now scattered over the bottom of the North Sea like veritable time-capsules.
Interactions of uses

One of the principles of the North Sea policy is multiple use of space. In the areas that have been designated for activities of national importance, other activities may not obstruct those uses of national importance.
Oil and gas extraction

The North Sea contains large oil and gas reserves. Their extraction contributes to the Dutch economy in a major way. This is why oil and gas extraction are designated activities of great national importance in the National Water Plan.