Reports on marine mammals
List with reports on marine mammals (Wozep)
ZD.14 Environmental effects of UXOclearances
ZD.12 Protocol harbour porpoise observations offshore wind farms
ZD.12 Visual observations of harbour porpoises in OWF
Effects of pile driving in the Borssele wind farm on seals in the Dutch Delta II (pdf, 5.7 MB)
Underwater sound measurements during the installation of the Borssele OWF (pdf, 13 MB)
Predicting harbour porpoise strandings based on near shore sightings indicate elevated temporal mortality rates (also this scientific publication)
Update Aquarius models pile driving sound predeictions TNO 2019 (pdf, 3.2 MB)
Analysis of stranding data of harbour porpoises along the North Sea (pdf, 2.9 MB) (also this scientific publication)
Underwater noise frequency sensitivity TNO 2018 (pdf, 1.1 MB)
Hearing thresholds for underwater sounds of harbor seals swimming at the water surface (pdf, 3.2 MB)