Overview of reports
Please note: most of the reports are in Dutch only. This is indicated in the title description.
Research: MOSWOZ opstellen simulatiescenario's (MOSWOZ drafting of simulation scenarios; in Dutch)
Summary: Description of simulation scenarios for major study (Human Factor) on the effect of offshore wind farms on shipping safety.
Year of publication: 2024
Conducted by: Nautical Experts
Research: Netwerkanalyse Noordzee 2023 (North Sea network analysis for 2023; in Dutch)
Summary: Analysis of shipping traffic in the North Sea from January 1 to December 31, 2023.
Year of publication: 2024
Conducted by: MARIN
Research: Netwerkanalyse Noordzee 2022 (North Sea network analysis for 2022; in Dutch)
Summary: Analysis of shipping traffic in the North Sea from January 1 to December 31, 2022.
Year of publication: 2023
Conducted by: MARIN
Research: Netwerkanalyse Noordzee 2021 (North Sea network analysis for 2021; in Dutch)
Year of publication: 2023
Summary: Analysis of shipping traffic in the North Sea from January 1 to December 31, 2021.
Conducted by: MARIN
Research: Netwerkevaluatie Noordzee 2018-2019 (North Sea network analysis for 2018-2019; in Dutch)
Year of publication: 2020
Summary: Analysis of shipping traffic in the North Sea from June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019.
Conducted by: MARIN
Research: Wind op zee 2030: gevolgen voor scheepvaartveiligheid en mogelijk mitigerende maatregelen (Offshore Wind 2030: consequences for shipping safety and possible mitigating measures; in Dutch)
Summary: Research on the effect of wind farms on marine safety; this publication consists of two parts and includes a quantitative analysis of the effect of wind farm deployment on the likelihood of collisions and a qualitative analysis on the risks and effectiveness of management measures.
Year of publication: 2019
Conducted by: MARIN
Research: Netwerkevaluatie Noordzee 2015-2016 deel 2 (Network evaluation North Sea 2015-2016 part 2; in Dutch)
Summary: Near misses in the North Sea from 1 June 2015 to 31 May 2016.
Year of publication: 2017
Conducted by: MARIN
Research: Netwerkevaluatie Noordzee 2015-2016 deel 1 (Network evaluation North Sea 2015-2016 part 1; in Dutch)
Summary: Analysis of North Sea vessel traffic from 1 June 2015 to 31 May 2016.
Year of publication: 2017
Conducted by: MARIN
Research: Netwerkevaluatie Noordzee na invoering nieuwe stelsel (Network evaluation North Sea after introduction of new traffic separation scheme; in Dutch)
Summary: Analysis of shipping traffic in the North Sea from 1 August to 31 July 2014.
Year of publication: 2014
Conducted by: MARIN
Research: Assessment of system effects of large-scale implementation of offshore wind in the southern North Sea
Summary: Scaling up offshore wind farms is likely to have a fundamental impact on the functioning of the southern part of the North Sea. This report sets out what are potentially the most significant impacts and deficiencies in knowledge.
Year of publication: 2018
Conducted by: Deltares, KNMI, Whiffle and Wageningen University
Research: Investigation of ship impact against wind turbine foundations in the Dutch part of the North Sea - Final Report
Summary: The results of this study provide insight into possible scenarios of failure that may occur when a ship collides with a wind turbine foundation.
Year of publication: 2024
Conducted by: HVR Engineering
Research: Geactualiseerde BowTie Aanvaring Schepen (Updated BowTie of Ship Collisions; in Dutch)
Summary: To assess the impact of the increasing number of wind farms on nautical safety, experts helped identify risks and management measures according to the ‘BowTie’ methodology. This study is a revision of the previously published BowTie ‘schip-schip aanvaringen op de Noordzee’.
Year of publication: 2022
Conducted by: Risktec Solutions
Research: Eindrapport BowTies Schip-Windturbine aanvaring op de Noordzee (Final report on BowTies Ship-Wind turbine collision in the North Sea; in Dutch)
Summary: To assess the impact of the increasing number of wind farms on nautical safety, experts helped identify risks and management measures according to the ‘BowTie’ methodology. This involves the risk of vessel collisions with wind turbines in the North Sea.
Year of publication: 2022
Conducted by: Risktec Solutions
Through shipping
Research: Scheepvaartveiligheid en medegebruik in windparken (Shipping safety and co-use in wind farms; in Dutch)
Summary: Research to better assess the interface between passage and co-use. Under which circumstances are shipping and co-use conflicting forms of use of space in offshore wind farms? Under which circumstances are they not conflicting forms of use of space?
Year of publication: 2024
Conducted by: Movares
Research: Maritieme risico’s omtrent medegebruik windparken op zee (Maritime risks concerning co-use of wind farms at sea; in Dutch)
Summary: An inventory of maritime threats around co-use of wind farms. The study focuses on vessel traffic and co-users (types: mussels, seaweed farming and floating solar energy systems).
Year of publication: 2023
Conducted by: MARIN
Research: Breedte doorvaartpassages (Width of passage ways for small ships; in Dutch)
Summary: Study on safe width of transit passages in wind farm zones in the North Sea.
Year of publication: 2022
Conducted by: Movares
Research: Formal Safety Assessment: Doorvaart in passages in windparken (Formal Safety Assessment: through shipping in wind farm corridors; in Dutch)
Summary: In the North Sea Agreement, agreements were made to allow passage in wind farms for fishing vessels and recreational craft up to 46 metres. This study evaluates the effects on shipping safety of the introduction of passages (waterways with two-way traffic).
Year of publication: 2021
Conducted by: MARIN
Vessel Traffic Monitoring
Research: Mogelijkheden VTM in en rondom windparken (Opportunities for Vessel Traffic Monitoring in and around wind farms; in Dutch)
Summary: This report explores the possibilities and limitations of Vessel Traffic Monitoring, a measure that contributes to safety in the North Sea.
Year of publication: 2023
Conducted by: MARIN and Arcadis
Research: Verkenning Nut en Noodzaak RDF en CCTV (Exploration of Utility and Necessity RDF and CCTV; in Dutch)
Summary: An exploration of the usefulness and necessity of deploying radio direction finders (RDF) and closed-circuit television (CCTV) in offshore wind farms.
Year of publication: 2024
Conducted by: Arcadis
Anchorage areas
Crisis organisation
Research: LCoE study Search and Rescue (SAR) layouts (pdf, 2.4 MB)
Summary: Research into the influence of SAR principles for (turbine) layouts on the energy yield and levelized cost of energy (LCoE) of offshore wind farms in the Netherlands.
Year of publication: 2024
Conducted by: AFRY
Research: Verkenning SAR ver op zee (Exploration SAR far out at sea; in Dutch)
Summary: Research on Search and Rescue (SAR) far offshore. What opportunities are there to further improve SAR deployment in and around wind farms, especially far offshore?
Year of publication: 2023
Conducted by: Antea Group
Research: Onderzoek naar nut en noodzaak van een Towing Assistance Team in Nederland (Study into utility and necessity of a Towing Assistance Team in the Netherlands; in Dutch)
Summary: Exploration of the usefulness and necessity of establishing a Towing Assistance Team in the Netherlands. This is an assistance team that is put on board a ship in distress, ERTV or other vessel by helicopter to help make a towing connection.
Year of publication: 2023
Conducted by: Rijkswaterstaat