Save the Date CWW 4 - 8 april 2022

Bij deze sturen we jullie als lezers van de Wozep-nieuwsbrief de ‘save the date’-mail voor de Conference on Wind energy and Wild life impacts 2022 (CWW 2022). We zijn er als Wozep (in samenwerking met andere overheidspartijen) trots op om, samen met Bureau Waardenburg, de zesde CWW-conferentie te organiseren. Met deze conferentie benadrukken we het belang van wetenschappelijke kennis voor beleid en natuurbeheer met betrekking tot windparken. Via de onderstaande links kun je meer informatie vinden over het CWW en je aanmelden voor de CWW-nieuwsbrief. In deze nieuwsbrief zal ook de ‘early bird’-registratie worden aangekondigd.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Ingeborg van Splunder
Projectmanager Wozep
6th Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts
Join us at the CWW2022. We will keep you informed and plan to open the early bird registration and abstract submission in early autumn 2021. Check the website for more information.
Eelco Waardenburg, Wouter Lengkeek and Martien Meijer - directors Bureau Waardenburg
Ingeborg van Splunder and Martine Graafland – co-organizers from the Dutch government
Hein Prinsen - chair Organizing Committee, Bureau Waardenburg
Han Lindeboom - chair Scientific Advisory Committee, Wageningen University
Early bird registration opens in September 2021
Together with the scientific advisory committee we are working on a program that will engage scientists, the wind industry and governmental organizations. There will be a special session for participants from emerging markets; what key issues are they facing, how can we translate our knowledge and research techniques to these upcoming countries and what can we learn from their fresh ideas?
Side events
Also during the conference, a half day of excursions is planned. These field trips will introduce some ‘best practices’ in monitoring and mitigation of wind and wildlife interactions, both onshore and offshore. And of course, there will be plenty of room for networking and socializing during the welcome reception, the conference dinner or the BBQ at the beach!
The conference venue is the beautiful Hotel Zuiderduin, which is in the seaside village of Egmond aan Zee, about 70 km from Amsterdam. You will enjoy great views of two of our offshore wind farms. Once we open up the registration for his conference, you will have the opportunity to make reservations in the hotel at special prices.
CWW2022 offers plenty of possibilities for sponsoring to provide your organization with substantial international exposure, increasing visibility of your brand and your networking capacity.
Download the brochure and contact us for more information.