Vleermuizen rapporten
Overzicht van rapporten in het kader Wind op Zee Ecologisch Programma (Wozep)
Coastal and offshore movements of N pipistrelle during autumn migration (pdf, 37 MB)
Results of the workshop on predicting bat fatalities and offshore wind (pdf, 965 kB)
Spatiotemporal occurence of bats at the southern North Sea 2017-2020 (pdf, 4.6 MB)
Zie ook het artikel: Acoustic monitoring reveals spatiotemporal occurrence of Nathusius’ pipistrelle at the southern North Sea during autumn migration
Home range and habitat use of common noctules in the Dutch coastal zone (pdf, 30 MB)
Zie ook het open acces artikel: Offshore Occurrence of a Migratory Bat, Pipistrellus nathusii, Depends on Seasonality and Weather Conditions (pdf, 1.2 MB).
Methods for assessing fatality risk of bats at offshore wind turbines (pdf, 821 kB)
Stilstandvoorziening als mitigatie voor Vleermuizen in OWFs (pdf, 4.7 MB)