Vogels rapporten
Overzicht van onderzoekrapporten van het Wind op zee ecologisch programma (Wozep). Bij een aantal recente rapporten vindt u ook een samenvatting en duiding van het onderzoek en de resultaten.
Begeleidende documenten
- Validation of a bird radar system (pdf, 2.6 MB)
- Monitoring radar performance data collection and data quality (pdf, 1 MB)
Kust- en zeevogels
ZV.2 Seabird maps of the North Sea - methodology description (pdf, 3.8 MB)
ZV.2 Nieuwe methode voor het maken van vogeldichtheidskaarten
TV.5 Verkenning trekkende niet-zeevogels boven de Noordzee
- Automatic analysis of digital aerial surveys (pdf, 1.2 MB)
- Bird fluxes, flight- and avoidance behaviour of birds in offshore wind farm Luchterduinen (pdf, 7.4 MB)
- Sandwich Terns in the Netherlands in 2019-2021 (pdf, 19 MB)
- North Sea crossings by Eurasian Curlew (pdf, 12 MB)
- High-definition bird and marine mammal aerial survey image collection in Borssele (pdf, 3.3 MB)
- Tracking lesser black-backed and herring gulls in the Dutch Delta (pdf, 25 MB)
- Inventory report on update the ESAS database for the North Sea (pdf, 1.2 MB)
- Individual-based model lesser black-backed gulls in the Netherlands - revised version (pdf, 4.4 MB)
- Review of tracking devices to study spatio- temporal disturbance of seabirds by offshore wind farms (pdf, 7.7 MB)
- Origin of large gulls in the North Sea (pdf, 45 MB)
- Eindrapport Showcase Eemshaven (pdf, 7 MB)
- Haalbaarheidsstudie naar een voorspellend vogeltrekmodel en stilstandvoorziening (pdf, 1.7 MB)
- Prediction and measurement of high intensity bird migration (pdf, 13 MB)
- Rapportage Aanvarings Slachtoffers Eemshaven (pdf, 3.3 MB)
- Survival rates of birds for use in population models (pdf, 1.6 MB)
- Spatial and temporal distribution of different age classes of seabirds in the North Sea (pdf, 7.5 MB)
- Effects of turbine collision mortality on population dynamics of 13 bird species (pdf, 5.2 MB)
- The consequences of seabird habitat loss from offshore wind turbines, version 2 (pdf, 8.7 MB)
- Effects of wind farms on the spatial distribution of Guillemots (pdf, 41 MB)
- Ecological discussion of statistical analyses Guillemots and OWF (pdf, 343 kB)
- Leopold M.F. & Verdaat H.J.P. (2018). Pilot field study: observations from a fixed platform on occurrence and behaviour of common guillemots and other seabirds in offshore wind farm Luchterduinen (WOZEP Birds-2). Wageningen, Wageningen Marine Research (University & Research centre), (Nr. C068/18). 27 pp.
- Dirksen, S. (2017). Review of methods and techniques for field validation of collision rates and avoidance amongst birds and bats at offshore wind turbines (final report Phase 1) (Nr. SjDE 17-01), Sjoerd Dirksen Ecology.
- Gyimesi, A., Evans, T.J., Linnebjerg, J.F., de Jong, J.W., Collier, M.P., Fijn, R.C. (2017). Review and analysis of tracking data to delineate flight characteristics and migration routes of birds over the Southern North Sea (Nr 16-139), Bureau Waardenburg bv.
- Leopold, M.F. (23 May 2017), Seabirds? What seabirds? - An exploratory study into the origin of seabirds visiting the SE North Sea and their survival bottlenecks (Nr. C046/17), Wageningen Marine Research. 47pp. (pdf, 2.9 MB)
- Rippen, A.D., van der Zee, E., Brenninkmeijer A. (2017). Quickscan opportunities and constraints catching gulls at sea, (Nr. 2356), Altenburg & Wymenga ecological consultants. pp 39.