Planning and collaboration


The Start/Stop procedure had been tested extensively. This test phase is then followed by a period with a 'dry run' in the first half of 2023. After this dry run of six months, the Start/Stop procedure came into force on 1 July 2023. From that date, Rijkswaterstaat will monitor compliance with the terms of the procedure.


From the start of the Start/Stop project, in 2015, the stakeholders have been involved in the development and implementation, particularly through meetings held several times per year. The stakeholders of the Start/Stop procedure are the wind farm owners and NGOs, such as Vogelbescherming Nederland, Stichting de Noordzee and Natuur en Milieu.

In addition to the stakeholder meetings there are meetings attended by government representatives and wind farm owners, the results of which are developed and clarified by jointly contributing input on know-how and experiences.

As a result, Start/Stop is a procedure that is created in a collaborative effort - with representatives from government and wind farm owners - in combination with recommendations from NGOs.