Interdepartmental Directors North Sea Consultative Body (IDON)
All Ministries with tasks and responsibilities on the North Sea work together in the Interdepartmental Directors North Sea Consultative Body (IDON).
- Newsletter Offshore Wind RVO October
- OSPAR: Coordinated international action aims to halt decline of marine birds in the North-East Atlantic
- Research for PECH Committee - Handbook of fishing gears used by the EU fleet
- OSPAR's Quality Status Report 2023 is live
- North Sea countries help each other in knowledge community
Offshore wind energy
The Netherlands is working on sustainable, reliable and available energy that is affordable for everybody. It is vitally important that we switch to sustainable energy.
North Sea Agreement
The agreement includes the agreements between central government and stakeholder parties about choices and policy aimed at the balance in activities in the North Sea up to and including 2030 and beyond.
Offshore Wind Ecological Programme (Wozep)
Wozep was established to expand the knowledge base about how wind farms affect protected species so that it will be possible to arrive at the best possible estimate of the ecological impact
European Marine Strategy Framework Directive
The aim of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is to protect and restore the European seas and oceans and promote their sustainable use.